The Importance of Family and Friends in Residential Care

Family, friends, and external carers are integral to our residents’ wellbeing and safety. The relationships they have with their loved ones underpin who they are and remain just as important, if not more so, when people move into our service. The pandemic has impacted every aspect of life and changed all our daily routines. We […]

Five tips for dealing with stress

Dealing With Stress OptimumCare4u Our Stories Blog

Stress can manifest itself in many forms, but we have all felt it. Sometimes stress creeps up on us. Sometimes it is more sudden and seems like it comes out of nowhere. Sometimes it overwhelms us and incapacitates us. Sometimes our minds just shut down because they cannot cope with yet another stress related thought. […]

What is anxiety, and how to deal with it?

When is anxiety more than just a feeling and more of a problem? What’s the difference between anxiety as a feeling and anxiety as a problem? Anxiety is a normal emotion. Our body’s use anxiety to react to stress and to inform us that there is potential danger around us or upcoming. Because of this, […]

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